Areas of Expertise
Contemporary Psychotherapy
The aim of Contemporary Psychotherapy is to be a therapy which is dynamic in evolving with changing times. It is pluralistic which means it draws upon the best and most effective ideas and approaches from many different psychologies and psychotherapies. Overall, it is about offering a flexibility of approach as required by the specific needs of a client, so that therapy is guided by what is most appropriate for you.
Using hypnosis in therapy allows us to work with the 'automatic pilot' part of us. Sometimes called the 'habit' or pattern' brain. It is the seat of our instinctive and habitual responses and is responsible for something like 95% of all our behaviour. Most of the time these responses work very well to protect us, keep us safe and manage the routine of daily life. Sometimes though, we have just acquired a response which doesn’t work for us or is simply the wrong response. Perhaps we have learned to produce anxiety when it’s not actually helpful, such as during public speaking. Hypnotherapy utilises the trance state along with suggestions and the power of the imagination to update and change these response patterns. In the ‘reality generator’ of the mind we can create and activate new templates for the response patterns we want.
Neuro Linguistic Programming
NLP is about exploring and using the three most influential components involved in producing human experience: neurology, language and programming. It describes the fundamental dynamics between mind (neuro) and language (linguistic) and how their interplay effects our body and behavior (programming).
My Approach
My aim is to firstly help you feel comfortable so that you can feel able to express things which are bothering you.
I have an eclectic approach to working with clients guided by what is most appropriate for any particular person. Counselling and psychotherapy tend to be interchangeable terms usually used to describe 'talk therapy'. Talking and listening while obviously very important in the development of the therapeutic relationship are not always enough alone. A 'tool kit' of approaches means we might work with specific breathing practices to help relieve anxiety, work cognitively to address unhelpful thinking, practice mindfulness or use acupoint 'tapping' to reduce stress or use guided imagination to work at a subconscious level.
Help with....
Anxiety and stress, Fears and phobias, Panic attacks, Depression, Learning to relax, Emotional distress, Confidence, Being more positive, Goal achievement, Sleep difficulties and much more - please be in touch and ask.......
My qualifications and training include
Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Contemporary Psychotherapy
Diploma in Solution Focused Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy.
Practitioner and Master Practitioner NLP.
D. Phil Biochemistry
BSc Physiology and Biochemistry
Ego State Therapy
Thought Pattern Management